September 6, 2019
Gatineau Airshow 2019
Time and Location
September 6, 2019
Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport - Rue Arthur-Fecteau, Gatineau, QC J8R 2Z9
About the Event
Despite the rain that came our way with scattered showers it was a great event! CWC always enjoys its involvement with this ever growing, well run airshow.
Vehicles on display:
Cadillac Gage Commando M706 V-100
Manufactured By: Cadillac Gage
Year of Manufacture: 1963
Engine: V-504 V8 Chrysler 361
Transmission: 4 speed manual full syncro
Crew Requirements (Public Events) 1 (3+2 for combat operations)
Wheeled / Tracked: 4 wheel drive, 2 wheel steer (Fwd/Rear Axles)
Weight: 9,888kg (21,799lbs)
Length: 5.69m (18.7 ft)
Height: 2.54m (8.4ft)
Width: 2.26m (7.5ft)
Alvis CVR(T) Scorpion Scout tank, ex-Belgian Army, 1973
Manufactured By: Alvis (Belgium)
Year of Manufacture: August 1972
Serial Number: BESC065
Plate Number: 65068
Engine: Jaguar J-60 4.2Lt. inline 6 cyl, gas
Transmission: Foot select, semi-auto
Crew Requirements (Public Events) 2
Wheeled / Tracked: Track, rubber pad
Weight: 8.74t (17,800lbs)
Length: 5.28m (17.4 ft) add 3ft for whale tail
Height: 2.1m (6.10 ft)
Width: 2.2m (7 ft)
Daimler Ferret, Mk. 2/3 Armoured Car, ex-British Army, 1963
Manufactured By: Daimler
Year of Manufacture: 1963
Serial Number: 3327-7-63
Engine: Rolls Royce B-60 inline 6 cyl. gas
Transmission: Pre Select
Crew Requirements (Public Events) 2
Wheeled / Tracked: 4 wheel, full time, locked
Weight: 3.8t (7275lbs)
Length: 3.7m (12.2 ft)
Height: 1.8m (6.2 ft)
Width: 1.9m (6.3 ft)
AM General M35 A2 Multifuel cargo truck, ex-US Army, 1970.
Manufactured By: AM General
Year of Manufacture: 1970
Serial Number: 052517850
Engine: Continental Multi-Fuel Diesel, inline 6
Transmission: 4 Speed manual. Syncro
Crew Requirements (Public Events) 1
Wheeled / Tracked: 10 Wheel, air locker front axle
Weight: 5840Kg (12,880lbs)
Length: 6.98m ( 27.4 ft)
Height: 8.2m (9.2 ft) To top of cab
Width: 2.36m (7.7 ft)
Quad 50 with .50 cal Theatrical simulators
We were able to showcase our newly restored Quad 50 with it’s .50 cal theatrical simulators to great advantage. The highlight was being part of a reenactment drill where our gunners got to “shoot” down an “enemy” plane.
The volunteers for this event were:
Nick Tilgner
Paul Isaacs
Dave Deblois
Terry Warner
Derek Strebe
Dumaresqu de Pencier
Devorah Sugarman
Benjamin Olszynko