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Red Arrows 2019

On Tuesday the 13th August the Cold War Collection were invited to be a part of a prestigious event at the first airshow display of the Royal Air Force Red Arrows display team on their 2019 North American Tour. Organised by both the British High Commission and the Vintage Wings of Canada (VWOC), It was held at the home base of VWOC at Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.

The invitation was made to the CWC directly as there are personal connections with the CWC, and we have British Military vehicles to add to the whole flavour of the event which was, things British. Several British car clubs also participated.

This is the first time in a number of years the Red Arrows have brought their formation aerobatic display to North America and this event was a celebration of that

We were very fortunate to be invited by Fl Lt Ben Ireland, one of the engineering officers of the Red Arrows team, to take the Collection’s Ferret onto the flight line for a couple of photos, our volunteer crew member Terry Warner took those photos on the flight line and Robin Craig was the driver of the Ferret. The other photos are from Robin.

Our volunteer Robin spent his childhood in the UK watching the Red Arrows train at a local airfield for many years.

Robin and Terry were supported that day by staff member Paul Isaacs on site and our Crew Chief Nick Tilgner who loaded the vehicles out from the hangar and received them back at the end of the day. D+M transport moved the vehicles for us to and from the event.

cwc ferret red arrows 07

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