well, after needed rest, we are back at it again, this time removing the rear bumper and the badly mangled rear armour section that has experienced all manner of abuse, from a torch, to rust to being pushed by “something big” ! there are six retaining bolts to remove, and the nuts are located under two angle reinforcement brackets that need to be removed first to access….however….its also the perfect place, being located near the track return idler wheel to pack full of mud from a couple of different continents ! so, out comes the helpers again….cut off wheel, and even oxy / acyl cutting torch this time !
note the use of simple spacer plates on the frame to stand the bumper off, one of the reasons the rust was particularly bad in this area. In other parts of the frame, attachments were so tightly fitted, no water ever got between the mating surfaces and the fasteners still were rust free black oxide